Danton O'Day's Music

I've been writing music since I was a teenager. I've also played in a number of groups in Canada and the US playing everything from bluegrass to rock and roll. A couple of years ago, Mike Myre, my PhD student, asked me if I wrote children's songs. I thought maybe he was casting a slur on my musical compositions but he followed this up by asking me to work with him and his wife Myra on the music for an exercise video for children. The result was the music for the video and DVD "Workout with Ticker for a Healthy Heart".

Workout with Ticker! For a Healthy Heart

For more information go to www.workoutwithticker.com

Monkeys Don't Wear Shows

The video was a great success and in response to requests, Myra, Mike and Dan produced another set of 7 "Exer-songs" for the Music CD "Monkeys Don't Wear Shoes, or Cowboy Boots".


Frog in My Hat

I've followed this up with a solo children's CD called "Frog in My Hat" .


  • Doing What I Have to Do (2:09)
  • Tell that Story Again (3:48)
  • Every Day at Sunrise (3:06)
  • Duncan, the Seeing Eye Dog (2:11)
  • Fish Out of School (3:54)
  • Come Out and Play (3:28)
  • Give Me a Chance (2:54)
  • Silly Song (1:27)
  • Rollerblading (3:17)
  • Frog in My Hat (3:00)

Other Projects

I also have 2 music CDs for adults that will be out in 2006. These CDs contain an eclectic mix of songs that definitely aren't "childish".

All information is the property of Danton H. O'Day, 2005© and may be used by individuals without prior permission if proper credit is given. If you would like to distribute or communicated this information to others in any form other than citing this website you need to obtain permission.