Research History

Calmodulin is the primary, essential calcium-binding protein of all eukaryotes and has changed little throughout evolution. It plays a fundamental role in a diverse number of biomedically-relevant events including chemotaxis, growth and differentiation. We are studying the proteins that calmodulin binds to and regulates to further understand how it mediates these processes. Using the model eukaryotic microbe Dictyostelium, we have been isolating and sequencing cDNAs that encode novel calmodulin binding proteins. The cellular and developmental functions of these genes are then studied by generation of mutants expressing various forms of the protein. For example, recently we identified and characterized a novel protein called nucleomorphin that controls the number of nuclei produced by cells. In addition, we are detailing the signal transduction mechanisms that underlie calmodulin function. Here we summarize some of the history of our research and how it led to current research initiatives. More about Calmodulin and its target proteins can be learned by clicking on "Calmodulin Binding Proteins" above.


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Last update:  August 2017.