

Shear, H. and A.E. Walsby  An Investigation into the Possible Light-Shielding Role of Gas Vacuoles in a Planktonic Blue-Green Alga. Br. phycol. J. 10: 241-251.

Shear, H., C. Nalewajko, and H.M. Bacchus. Some Aspects of the Ecology of Melosira spp. in Ontario Lakes. Hydrobiologia 50(2) 173-176.

Nalewajko, C., T.G. Dunstall, and H. Shear. Kinetics of Extracellular Release in Axenic Algae and in Mixed Algal-Bacterial Cultures: Significance in Estimation of Total Phytoplankton Excretion Rates. J. Phycol. 12, 1-5.

Shear, H.  Lake Superior in the 21st Century. J. Great Lakes Res. 4(3-4): 550-553.

J.D.H. Williams,  H. Shear, and R.L. Thomas. Availability to Scenedesmus quadricauda of Different Forms of Phosphorus in Sedimentary Materials from the Great Lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 25 (1), 1-11.

Shear, H. Contaminants Programs in the North American Great Lakes Basin. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   21, 1741-1748.

Hallett, D., H. Shear, D.V. Weseloh, and P. Mineau    Surveillance of Wildlife Contaminants on the Great Lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   21,  1734-1740.

Nalwejako, C., K. Lee, and H. Shear. Phosphorus Kinetics in Lake Superior: Light Intensity and Phosphate Uptake in Algae. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 38(2), 224-232.

Nalewajko, C., B. Paul, K. Lee, and H. Shear. Light History, Phosphorus Status, and the Occurrence of Light Stimulation or Inhibition of Phosphate Uptake in Lake Superior Phytoplankton and Bacteria. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 43(2), 329-335.

Regier, Henry A. and Harvey Shear. Restoring the Great Lakes Cornucopia. People and the Planet,  4 (2)  pp. 26-29. 1995 

Shear, Harvey.  The Development and Use of Indicators to Assess the State of Ecosystem Health in the Great Lakes.  Ecosystem Health, 2(4) pp. 241-258. 1996

De Anda, Jose, H. Shear, U. Maniak, and G. Riedel. Preliminary phosphorus balance in Lake Chapala (Mexico). J. Great Lakes Res. 26(2): 129-140. 2000

De Anda, Jose, H. Shear, U. Maniak, and G. Riedel. Phosphates in Lake Chapala, Mexico. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6: 313-321, 2001

Shear, Harvey; Nancy Stadler-Salt; Paul Bertram; and Paul Horvatin. The Development and Implementation of Indicators of Ecosystem Health in the Great Lakes Basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 88: 119-152, 2003

Bertram, Paul; Nancy Stadler-Salt; Paul Horvatin and Harvey Shear. Binational Assessment of the Great Lakes: SOLEC Partnerships. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 81:1-3, 27-33, 2003

De Anda, Jose; Harvey Shear; Ulrich Maniak and Pedro Zarate-del Valle. Solids Distribution in Lake Chapala (Mexico). Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA): 40 (1) 97-109, 2004

Ortiz-Jiménez, M.A., J. de Anda, and H. Shear. 2005. Hydrologic balance of Lake Zapotlán, Mexico Journal of Environmental Hydrology, 13, 1-16.

De Anda, José, H. Shear J. L. Zavala. 2005. Simplified Hydrologic Correlations to Forecast the Natural Regime of Lake Chapala. Journal of Environmental Hydrology, Paper 23, Volume 13.

Ortiz-Jiménez, Mario A.; J. de Anda; and H. Shear. 2006.  Nutrients/food chain model for Lake Zapotlán (México). Journal of River Basin Management. 4(2) pp. 125-135.

Shear, H. 2006. The Great Lakes, an ecosystem rehabilitated but still under threat. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 113: 199–225.

Greenberg, Tracie, H. Shear, J. de Anda and M. Ortiz-Jiménez.  2008. Preliminary Analysis of Water Pollution in a Small Lake in Western Mexico. Water Pollution IX: 13-21.  WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (ISSN 1743-3541). 

  • Awarded the Hromadka Award  'in  recognition of an outstanding scientific contribution' at the Ninth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. June 9-11, 2008 Alicante, Spain.

De Anda, José and H. Shear. 2008. Challenges Facing Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Mexico. Public Works Management & Policy. 12 (4): 590-598.

Shear, Harvey and José de Anda. 2009. Preliminary Selection of Sustainability Indicators for a Small Lake Basin in Western México. Local Environment. 14 (6), 555-572.

Shear, Harvey, Sarah da Silva and Cindy Toth. 2009. Development of ecosystem health indicators for a municipality in southern Ontario, Canada. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment.  Sustainable Development and Planning: IV (2) 623-633. (ISBN 1743-3541).

Da Silva, Sarah and Harvey Shear. 2010. Great Lakes environmental indicators and state of the environment reporting: use needs and limitations. Local Environment. 15 (8). 699-716. 

Todd Stong, Claudia Alvarado,  Harvey Shear, José de Anda, Gerardo Ramírez and José de Jesús Díaz.  2013. Mercury concentrations in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Chapala, Mexico: A lakewide survey. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 48. 1835–1841.




Hodson, P.V., Borgmann, U. and H. Shear. Toxicity of Copper to Aquatic Biota. In: Editor:  J. Nriagu. Copper in the Environment, Part 2. Health Effects. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 307-372.

Shear, H. Contaminants Research and Surveillance- a Biological Approach. In: Editor:  J. Nriagu. Toxic Contaminants in the Great Lakes. John Wiley and Sons. pp 31-51.

De Anda, Jose and Harvey Shear. Nutrients and Eutrophication in the Lake Chapala Basin.  In: The Lerma-Chapala Watershed: Evaluation and Management. pp. 183-198 Ed. Anne Hansen. Kluwer Academic Publisher. 2001.

Bertram, Paul; Harvey Shear; Nancy Stadler-Salt; and Paul Horvatin. Environmental and Socio-economic Indicators of Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Health In: Managing for Healthy Ecosystems. Eds. D. Rapport, W. Lasley, D. Rolston, N. Nielsen, C. Qualset, and A. Damania. CRC Press, Lewis Publishers. 2002. pp. 703-720.

Shear, H., P. Bertram, C. Forst, and P. Horvatin. Development and application of ecosystem health indicators in the North American Great Lakes Basin. In: Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health. 2005. Eds. Sven Jorgensen, Robert Costanza, and Fu-Liu Xu. CRC Press. Boca Raton FL. pp. 105-126

Harvey Shear and Jose de Anda. Phosphorus and Eutrophication in a Sub-Tropical Basin: Lake Chapala-Mexico. pp. 77-95. In: Restoration and Management of Tropical Eutrophic Lakes. Editor M.V. Reddy. Oxford and IBH Publishing. New Delhi. 2005.

José de Anda and Harvey Shear. Calidad de Agua y Eutrofización en el Lago de Chapala. In Atlas de la Cuenca Lerma-Chapala- construyendo una visión conjunta. Editors: Helena Cotler Avalos,  Marisa Mazari Hirtiart and José de Anda Sanchez. Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales; Instituto Nacional de Ecología; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Ecología. pp. 144-145. 2006.




Shear, H., and  D. Konasewich (Editors). Cladophora in the Great Lakes. 1975. 179pp. International Joint Commission Special Report. Proceedings of an International Workshop.  

Shear, H., A. Watson   (Editors). The Fluvial Transport of Sediment-Associated Nutrients and Contaminants.  1976. 309pp. International Joint Commission Special Report. Proceedings of an International Workshop.  

Munawar, M. and H. Shear (Editors). Proceedings of the First Biological Surveillance Symposium, 22nd Conference on Great Lakes Research, May 3, 1979, Rochester N.Y. 1980. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Technical Report  976.         

Munawar, M., R.L. Thomas, H. Shear, P. McKee, and A. Mudroch. An Overview of Sediment-Associated Contaminants and their Bioassessment. 1984. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1253  

Wong, P.T.S., H. Shear, Y.K. Chau, C. Nalewajko, and S. Rhamey. Ultra-Clean Techniques in Assessing the Effects of Metals on Phytoplankton. 1986. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish Aquat. Sci. 1462  

Adam, M., W.D. McKone, and H. Shear. Report from a Workshop on Chemical Hazards to Fish and Fisheries. 1987. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci.  1525: 105p.

Shear, Harvey. Ecological Assessment in Canada . 12pp. Proceedings of the First North American Workshop on Ecological Monitoring (September 1995, Mexico City) 1996 

Shear, Harvey, et al.    State of the Great Lakes. 59 pp. July 1995. First report of the Governments of Canada and the USA on the state of the Great Lakes Basin. Available at

Shear, Harvey et al. State of the Great Lakes.  76 pp. September, 1997. Second report of the Governments of Canada and the USA on the state of the Great Lakes Basin. Available at

Shear, Harvey et al. State of the Great Lakes. 89 pp. September, 1999. Third report of the Governments of Canada and the USA on the state of the Great Lakes Basin. Available at

Shear, Harvey et al. State of the Great Lakes. 82 pp. September, 2001. Fourth report of the Governments of Canada and the USA on the state of the Great Lakes Basin. Available at

Shear, Harvey et al. State of the Great Lakes.  103 pp. October 2003. Fifth report of the Governments of Canada and the USA on the state of the Great Lakes Basin. Available at

Shear, Harvey et al. State of the Great Lakes.  304 pp. August 2006. Sixth report of the Governments of Canada and the USA on the state of the Great Lakes Basin. Available at




Harvey Shear and Kent Fuller. Editors. The Great Lakes: An Environmental Atlas and Resource Book. 3rd Edition. 1995. Environment Canada and United States Environmental Protection Agency. Toronto and Chicago.



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