There has been a big issue with the internship thus far, something that was brought to my attention a while ago, but has plagued me and my research ever since then. The aim of the timeline is to showcase the bright aspects of UTM’s history. It is, after all, a timeline for UTM’s 50th anniversary, so it only makes sense to discuss the bright, the good, and the amazing.
So today, in contrast to the official timeline, I would like to briefly give a sneak peak of my own personal timeline. My timeline is aimed to showcase some of the bigger themes I have noticed in UTM’s past 50 years, and yes, this includes some of a darker nature that may be avoided or swept under the rug by others. Such themes include sexism, racism, and feminism on the campus. There will also be a discussion on the topics of rape, sexuality, nudity, and sexual consent. These are some of the grand overlying themes that have been present on this campus that have gone largely undiscussed (other than the time they were occurring), and I would like to bring them to the forefront.
For instance, there is a specific instance of sexual consent that I would like to discuss
with you today. In my personal opinion, as with how society is now, sexual consent seems to be a recent ongoing issue. It is something that is discussed regularly, as though this problem is newfound and we as a society are aiming to correct it. This includes relatively common slogans such as “no means no” being used as a main argument against sexual consent. In the 9th issue of Medium II’s 18th volume (1991), there was a post pertaining to the topic of sexual consent. Aside from the actual
contents of the article, the title is what caught my attention the most- it was titled: No Still Means No. Despite the constant media bombardment, date rape continues.
This absolutely baffles me. You can call me ignorant (I probably am), but I would never imagine that a topic such as sexual consent was such an old issue. Personally, considering the extent to which it is discussed currently, as a major societal problem, I thought it was simply something we were struggling to correct in the current era. But in reality, this topic was already an old issue in 1991, proven by the use of “still” and “despite constant” in the article title. It really puts into perspective the progress of society. We have this matter that is clearly a major problem in society, and have been unable to curtail it, through whatever means, in roughly the past 30 years.
This topic, among many others, are part of the realizations I have made in regards to UTM’s past 50 years. This is simply a sneak peak, but I will discuss much more, whether it be funny, interesting, eye opening, or controversial during the presention of my personal timeline.
Picture obtained from the Medium II archive,