Upconversion Nanoparticles (UCNP)
- Tuning emissions to access different wavelength channels for multiplexing
- Photocleavage of cargo from UCNPs
- Bioassays based on Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (LRET)
- Decoration with multiple selective agents for targeted spatial localization, sensing, and drug delivery
- Polymer decoration for cargo capacity and as stealth coating in biosystems
- Cell penetration and intracellular targeting
- Tuning of size to achieve monodispersity, and <10 nm diameter
- Optical pumping using metal nanoparticle plasmonics
- Control of microfluidic channel access using short wavelength emission from UCNPs to destroy polymer barriers
Quantum Dots (QD)
- Understanding signal enhancement from immobilized layers of QDs
- Using UCNPs to pump QD emission
- Hybrid coatings of protein and nucleic acids for cell delivery and function
Metal NPs
- Enhancement of FRET/LRET using plasmonics
- Droplet microfluidics for production of decorated NPs; production of Janus NPs using solid state synthesis
- Diagnostic platform strategies for reaction speed and to control background
- Applications using isothermal oligonucleotide amplification on paper and polymer platforms
Paper-Based Assays
- Use of iPad/cell phone cameras for signal acquisition
- Integrated sampling, sample processing and detection
- Blood and serum samples; moving to practical applications
- Introduction of QDs and UCNPs onto/into cells
- Strategies for sensing; enzymes, receptors, oligonucelotides
- Strategies for theranostics
- Intrinsically fluorescent nucleotides – avoiding the labeling of targets
- Aptamers and molecular beacon analogues
- Artificial nucleotides to improve stability of hybrids and avoid enzyme cleavage
- Combining proteins/peptides/oligonucleotides on a single NP for
- Multifunctionalization (targeting, signaling, therapeutic action)