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Olive, Andrea. 2023. Protecting the Prairies: Lorne Scott and the Politics of Conservation. Regina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press. 

Olive, Andrea, Chance Finegan, and Karen Beazley (editors). 2023. Transformative Politics of Nature: Overcoming Barriers to Conservation in Canada. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press. 

Boyd, Brendan and Andrea Olive (editors). 2021. Provincial Policy Laboratories: Policy Transfer and Diffusion in Canada’s Federal System. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press. 

Olive, Andrea. 2019. Canadian Environment in Political Context, 2nd edition. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press. 

Brooks, Stephen and Andrea Olive (editors). 2018. Transboundary Governance Across the World's Longest Border. University of Manitoba Press/Michigan State University Press. 

Olive, Andrea. 2016. Canadian Environment in Political Context. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.  

Olive, Andrea. 2014. Land, Stewardship & Legitimacy: Endangered Species Policy in Canada and the United States. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.  

Articles, Book Chapters, and Reports  (*student authour)


Gordon, Susan C. C., Adam G. Duchesne, Micheal R. Dusevic, Carmer Galan-Acedo, Lucas Haddaway, Sarah Meister, Andrea Olive, Marlena Warren, Jaimie G. Vincent, Steven J. Cooke, and Joseph R. Bennet. 2024. “Assessing species at risk legislation across Canadian provinces and territories.” FACETS.

Hisey, Forrest,* Heppner, Melissa,* and Andrea Olive. 2024. “Fears and Fences: Social and Material Barriers to Plains Bison on the Canadian Prairies.” Society & Natural Resources

Parish, Claire* and Andrea Olive. 2024. “Flags and Flagships: Symbolism, Conservation, and The National Bison Legacy Act.” Great Plains Research 34 (Spring 2024):45–59

Heppner, Melissa* and Andrea Olive. 2024. "Technical Note on Bison Conservation and Bison Ranching in Canada." Rangeland Ecology and Management. 94:74-77. 


Swederfager, Trevor and Andrea Olive. 2023. “Laws Matter: A Foundational Approach to Biodiversity Conservation in Canada.” FACETS. 

Olive, Andrea and Debora L. VanNijnatten. “Twin Crisis - Twin Goals? Convergence and Divergence in Environmental Goals and Outcomes.” In Canada and the United States: Differences that Count, fifth edition, edited by David M. Thomas and Christopher Sands. University of Toronto Press. 


Ayambire, Raphael, Jeremy Pittman, Michael Dresher, Julio Moreno-Cruz, and Andrea Olive. 2022. “A Framework for a Working Landscape Approach.” Sustainability Science

Reiter, Dana, Pittman, Jeremy; Ayambire, Raphael; P. Brown, Carolyn; Colla, Sheila R; Loewen, Theresa M; McCune, Jenny L; Olive, Andrea; and Parrott, Lael. 2022. “Conservation on privately managed agricultural land in Canada: An analysis of promising approaches.” The Canadian Geographer. 

Hisey, Forrest*, Chance Finegan, and Andrea Olive. 2022. “Recent Protected Area-Indigenous Peoples Research Articles: A Meta Review.” Parks Stewardship Forum.

Hisey, Forrest*, Melissa Heppner* and Andrea Olive. 2022. “Supporting Native Grasslands in Canada: Lessons Learned and Future Management of the Prairie Pastures Conservation Area in Saskatchewan.” The Canadian Geographer.  Open Access.


Bethlenfalvy, Allegra* and Andrea Olive. 2021. “Recent Amendments to the Endangered Species Act and an Uncertain Future for Species at Risk: A Cast Study of Niagara’s Region.” FACETS.

Ayambire, Raphael*, Jeremy Pittman, and Andrea Olive. 2021. “Incentivizing Stewardship in a Biodiversity Hotspot: Land Managers in the Grasslands.” FACETS.

Besco, Randy, Andrea Olive, and Emily Eaton. 2021. "Public Opinion and Energy Politics in the Saskatchewan and North Dakota." The Extractive Industries and Society.

Ray, Justina, Jaime Grimm*, and Andrea Olive. 2021. “The Biodiversity Crisis in Canada. Failure and Challenges of Federal and Sub-national Strategic and Legal Frameworks.” FACETS.

Mcfarlane, Daniel and Andrea Olive. 2021. "Whither Wintego: Environmental Impact Assessment and Indigenous Opposition in Saskatchewan’s Churchill River Hydropower Project in the 1970.” Canadian Historical Review

Olive, Andrea. 2021. “Endangered Species Legislation in Canada: Convergence that Matters: in Provincial Policy Laboratories: Policy Transfer and Diffusion in Canada’s Federal System. Edited Volume, Co-editors: Brendan Boyd and Andrea Olive. 


Olive, Andrea. 2020. “Political Impacts of Oil in an Era of Sustainability.” In Sixty Years of Boom & Bust: The Impact of Oil in North Dakota, 1958-2018, edited by Kyle Conway. Digital Press at the University of North Dakota. 

Olive, Andrea, Emily Eaton, Randy Besco, Nathan Olmstead,* and Catherine Moez.* Transition Time? Energy Attitudes in Southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. PDF Available here:

Olive, Andrea. 2020. “Saskatchewan’s Long History of Rejecting Carbon Pricing.” Policy Options

Olive, Andrea. 2020. "The Politics of Water Security in Southern Saskatchewan." The Canadian Geographer62(2): 266-79.


Olive, Andrea and Grant Penton.* 2018. “Species at Risk in Ontario: An Examination of eNGOs.” The Canadian Geographer. 64(2): 562-574. 

Olive, Andrea. 2018. “Oil Development in the Grasslands: Saskatchewan’s Bakken Formation and Species at Risk Protection.” Cogent Environmental Science 40(1)

Olive, Andrea and Katie Valentine.* 2018. "Is Anyone Out There? Saskatchewan's Civil Society Engagement with Hydaulic Fracturing." Energy Research & Social Science 39: 192-97. 

Sabin, Jerald* and Andrea Olive. 2018. "Slack: Adopting Social Networking Platforms for Active Learning." PS: Political Science & Politics

Olive, Andrea. 2018. “Under Threat: 20 Years Since the Saskatchewan Wildlife Act.” Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. PDF availabe here

Olive, Andrea, Emily Eaton, and Randy Besco. 2018. Winds of Change: Public Opinion on Energy in Saskatchewan. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. PDF Available here:

Olive, Andrea. 2018. "Connecting Urban Students to Conservation Through Recovery Plans for Endangered Species" in Narratives of Educating for Sustainability in Unsustainable Environments.  Eds. Jane Haladay and Scott Hicks. 


Olive, Andrea and Katrina Jansen.* 2017. "The Role of Accredied Zoos in the Recovery Process for Species at Risk in Canada." The Canadian Geographer 61(3): 319-333.

Olive, Andrea and Katrina Jansen.* 2017. "The Contribution of Zoos and Aquaria to Aichi Biodiversity Target 12: A Case Study of Canadian Zoos." Global Ecology and Conservation 10: 103-113. Open Access. 

Olive, Andrea and Ashlie Delshad. 2017. “Fracking & Framing: A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of Hydraulic Fracturing in Canadian and US Newspapers.” Environmental Communication.

Olive, Andrea and Jenny McCune. 2017. "Wonder, Ignorance, and Resistance: Landowners and the Stewardship of Endangered Species." Journal of Rural Studies 49: 13-22. 

Olive, Andrea. 2017. "Biodiversity without Borders? Acknowledging and Overcoming Obstacles in the Transboundary Governance of Endangered Species" in Towards Continental Environmental Policy? Eds. Owen Temby and Peter Stoett. SUNY Press.

Olive, Andrea. 2017. "Conservation Authorities and Endangered Species in the Great Lake Region" in Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin Eds., Eric Freeman and Mark Neuzil. Routledge.


Olive, Andrea and Andrew Rabe.* 2016. "Indigenous Environmental Justice: Comparing the United States and Canada's Legal Framework for Endangered Species Conservation." American Review of Canadian Studies. 

Olive, A. 2016. It is just not fair: the Endangered Species Act in the United States and OntarioEcology and Society 21(3):13. 

Olive, Andrea. 2016. What is the Fracking Story in Canada. The Canadian Geographer. 60(1): 32-45. 


Olive, Andrea. 2015. Urban and Rural Attitudes toward Endangered Species Conservation in the Canadian Prairies: Drawing lessons from the American ESA. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20(3). 

Olive, Andrea. 2015. “Assessing Intergovernmental Institutions and Transnational Policy Networks in North American Resource Management: Concluding Remarks.” Review of Policy Research 32(1): 163-169.


Olive, Andrea. 2014. “Urban Awareness and Attitudes toward Conservation Policy: A First Look at Canadian Cities.” Applied Geography. 54:160-68.

Olive, Andrea. 2014. “The Road to Recovery: Comparing Canada and US Recovery Strategies for Shared Endangered Species.” The Canadian Geographer 58(3): 263-275.


Olive, Andrea, Lara Rusch and Angela Riess. 2013. “Valuing Urban Trees: A Detroit Metro Case Study.” Michigan Academician. 4(3): 310 – 331.

Olive, Andrea and Alexa Minichiello. 2013. “Wild Things in Urban Places: America’s Largest Cities and Multi-Scales of Governance for Endangered Species Conservation.” Applied Geography 43: 56-66.


Olive, Andrea. 2012. “Does Canada’s Species at Risk Act live up to Article 8?” Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 32 (1): 173-189.

Olive, Andrea. 2012. “Endangered Species Policy in Canada and the US: A Tale of Two Islands.” American Review of Canadian Studies. 42(1): 84-101.

Olive, Andrea. 2012. “A Research Note on Gendered Perceptions of Wildlife: Ethic of Care Meets a Snake and A Tortoise.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 33(2) 176 - 187.


Olive, Andrea. 2011. “Can Stewardship work for Species at Risk: A Pelee Island Case Study.” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 22(3): 223 - 239.

Olive, Andrea and Leigh Raymond and Vagisha Gunesekara. 2011. “Normative Beliefs in State Policy Choice.” Politics Research Quarterly. 63(3): 642-655.

Olive, Andrea and Leigh Raymond. 2011. Reconciling Norm Conflict in Endangered Species Conservation on Private Land. Natural Resources Journal. 50(2): 431-454.


Raymond, Leigh and Andrea Olive. 2009. Ideas, Discourse, and Rhetoric in Political Choice. Polity 41(2): 189-210.


Raymond, Leigh and Andrea Olive. 2008. Landowner Beliefs Regarding Biodiversity Protection on Private Property: An Indiana Case Study. Society and Natural Resources 21(6): 483-497.