Publications - 2011

[* = student]

  • Jimenez, A.*, M.D. Rennie*, W.G. Sprules, and J. La Rose. 2011. Temporal changes in the benthic invertebrate community of Lake Simcoe, 1983-2008. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37: 103-112
  • Stewart, T.J.* and W.G. Sprules. 2011. Carbon-based balanced trophic structure and flows in the offshore Lake Ontario food web before (1987-1991) and after (2001-2005) invasion-induced ecosystem change. Ecological Modelling 222: 692-708.
  • Stewart, T.J.*, R. O'Gorman, W.G. Sprules, and B.F. Lantry. 2011. The bioenergetic consequences of invasive-induced food web disruption to Lake Ontario alewives. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30: 1485-1504.