Research Interests
Spatial Ecology
Assess spatial and temporal patterns to identify key processes shaping population and community dynamics.
Metacommunity Dynamics
Assess the degree and determinants of connectivity among ecological communities and relate the resulting patterns of species diversity within and among communities to landscape pattern and landscape change.
Landscape Genetics
Provide a mechanistic link between landscape structural connectivity and functional connectivity by testing hypotheses on which landscape features critically affect dispersal and gene flow.
Feature on Research in the Wagner Lab
International Innovation 128: 19-21, 2014

Modelling Alberta's Landscape Connectivity (Canada)
- Community landscape genetics of wild bees. (Ongoing Ph.D. project by Celia Hein).
- Landscape effects on Alberta’s biodiversity. (Ongoing postdoc project by Ronan Marrec and Hossam Abdel Moniem, funded by ABMI).
Cascading Effects of Tropical Deforestation (Costa Rica)
- The effects of habitat fragmentation on seed- and pollen-mediated gene flow in Heliconia tortuosa. (Ongoing Ph.D. project by Felipe Torres).
- Disentangling the roles of pollination and seed dispersal for populations of a keystone plant species in a fragmented landscape. (Ongoing Ph.D. project by Luis Arias).
- Using behavioral ecology to reveal mechanisms in landscape genetics. (Completed postdoc project by Adam S. Hadley).
Restoration of Grassland Connectivity (Germany)
- Using landscape genomics to disentangle the effects of cultural landscape change on selection and pollen- and seed-mediated gene flow in Pulsatilla vulgaris. (Completed postdoc project by Mariana Chavez-Pesqueira).
- Conserving connectivity: Ecological determinants of gene flow in plants at the landscape scale. (Completed Ph.D. project by Michelle DiLeo).
- Effects of rotational shepherding on plant dispersal and gene flow in fragmented calcareous grasslands. (Completed Ph.D. project by Yessica Rico).
Other Projects
- Ecological processes in a spatially and temporally heterogeneous landscape: a study on invasive Alliaria petiolata. (Completed Ph.D. project by Shekhar Biswas).