Recent Blog Posts
Publish Or Parish: The Other Side
Every student knows the Axium Publish or Parish but very few attend paper conferences such as Archaeological Institute of America/Society of Classical Studies annual meeting or the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences as an undergrad to understand what paper presentations entail.
History. It Just Doesn't End!
Artefacts, artefacts, artefacts, and a few more artefacts. The historic information collected by the Royal Ontario Museum feels endless and endlessly fascinating.
The Woes and Pleasures of a ROM Intern: Time Management, Introverted Dispositions and Artifacts
By Ronella Ferreros
All-nighters, skipping meals, buckling down and asking no questions – those habits are all well and fine for a university student, but for a university student intern? I'm glad there was a silver lining to all of this, or else I would've wondered whether the internship was a mistake.
UTM’s Hidden Treasure: A Small Room with a Not so Small Collection
Hidden away on the fourth floor of the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Center, this room is quite a secret and not known to many...
Bhavpreet Saini
What Has Karate Taught Me?
Did you ever wonder what you could learn from karate?
What Now? How to use a Microfim Reader
So this is your first time researching the recent past? Your supervisor needs you to look up land records? Or are you just interested in your great-grandparents passage to Canada? Either way you need to know how to use a microfilm reader. Here's you how to guide.
A Few Tips on Salvaging a Project
By Lucas Braszak
Undergoing a project for your internship can be a very tumultuous experience. Not only do you meet new people and discover fascinating information along the way, the prospect of ending up with an amazing outcome to the project is exciting in itself. However, there may be some bumps along the way that may frustrate you, or have you believe that the project is a dead-end. Here, you will find some ideas that can help overcome these trials and salvage your research.