Experiential Learning Opportunities
The Global Experience is an opportunity that gives students a chance to learn more about, and to understand how the local issues within the Region of Peel relate to the larger global issues in the World. UTM's Global Experience program is a co-curricular activity abroad which involves community partners working directly with students on projects of interest to the community; the program is designed to enhance students' experiences with community engagement, leadership, social change and community development.
Nicole is involved with the Global Experience: Guatemala which goes to Guatemala for a week every May. The trip is called ‘Brewing Justice’ as it focuses on the political, economic, social, and environmental impacts of the international coffee trade from the perspective of local producers. For more information, go to: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/student-life/short-term/global-experience/get-involved-guatemala
The Indigenous Experiential Journey is an opportunity for University of Toronto students to connect with an Indigenous Community on traditional teaching land with the aim or providing participants with direct, meaningful opportunities for cultural exchange and dialogue with First Nations peoples. TheIndigenous Experiential Journey will be off campus - where we will travel approximately two hours from the UTM Campus (north of Peterborough and near the Curve Lake First Nations Reserve).
More information is available at: http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/student-life/node/409
A further description can also be found at: http://ose.utsc.utoronto.ca/ose/story.php?id=7206