
da Silveira Fleck, A., Zhu, T. Impact of Embedded Learning Strategy Activities: Student Engagement and Performance. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning (2024).

Singh, I. Zhu, T., Petersen, A. (2024). Do Storytelling Videos Help Students Learn Abstract Concepts? Proceedings of the 2024 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (ITiCSE 2024). July 8--10, 2024, Milan, Italy,

Ly, A., Zhu, T., and Petersen, A. (2024). Evaluating Storytelling Videos Using YouTube Analytics. In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (SIGCSE 2024). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1730–1731. 

Clear, T., Cajander, Å., Clear, A., Mcdermott, R., Bergqvist, A., Daniels, M., Divitini, M., Forshaw, M., Humble, N., Kasinidou, M., Kleanthous, S., Kultur, C., Parvini, G., Polash, M. and Zhu, T., 2024. A Plan for a Joint Study into the Impacts of AI on Professional Competencies of IT Professionals and Implications for Computing Students. In Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (ITiCSE 2024). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 757–758.

Hisey, F., Zhu, T., He, Y. (2022) Use of interactive storytelling trailers to engage students in an online learning environment. Active Learning in Higher Education   

Zhu, T., Merroun, M. L., Arhonditsis, G., & Dittrich, M. (2021). Attachment on mortar surfaces by cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa PCC 73106 and sequestration of CO2 by microbially induced calcium carbonate. MicrobiologyOpen, 10(5), e1243.

Zhu, T., Lin, Y., Lu, X., Dittrich, M. (2018). Assessment of cyanobacterial species for carbonate precipitation on mortar surface under different conditions. Ecological Engineering, 120, 154–163.

Zhu, T., Lu, X., Dittrich, M. (2017). Calcification on mortar by live and UV-killed biofilm-forming cyanobacterial Gloeocapsa PCC73106. Construction and Building Materials, 146, 43–53.        

Zhu, T., Dittrich, M. (2016). Carbonate precipitation through microbial activities in natural environment, and their potential in biotechnology: a review. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 4, 4.

Zhu, T., Paulo, C., Merroun, M.L., & Dittrich, M. (2015). Potential application of biomineralization by microorganisms Synechococcus PCC8806 for concrete restoration. Ecological Engineering, 82, 459–468.

Zhu, T., Lu, X., Liu, H., Zhu, X., Lu, J., & Wang, R. (2014). Quantitative X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy-based depth profiling of bioleached arsenopyrite surface by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 127, 120–139.              

Ouyang, B., Lu, X., Li, J., Zhu, T., Zhu, X., Lu, J., & Wang, R. (2014). Reduction of jarosite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and secondary mineralization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1, 54–71.

(Note: underlined are students supervised)