Land Use/ Land Cover Change in Urbanizing Regions


Recent and on-going projects on this topic have:

1. Mapped urban and exurban land use and vegetation cover using a variety of techniques.

2. Examined potential patterns of future exurban development in two regions (coastal New Jersey and Central Ontario) using statistical models

3. Explored ways of specifying categorical data in land use/land cover models.

4. Evaluating land use policy.

Recent Publications

Conway, T.M. and *C. Wellen. Not developed yet? Addressing no change locations in land use models. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems. (in press)
*Shrestha, N. and T.M. Conway. 2011. Mapping exurban development across large spatial extents. Applied Geography 30: 171-180.
Conway, T.M. 2009. The impact of class resolution in land-use change models. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33(4): 269-277.
*Lackner, M. and T.M. Conway. 2008. Determining land-use information from land cover through an object-oriented classification of IKONOS imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 34(2): 77-92.
*Fung, F. and T.M. Conway. 2007. Greenbelts as an environmental planning tool: a case study of southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 9(2): 101-117.
Conway, T.M. 2006. Can broad land use policies maintain connections between protected green spaces in an urbanizing landscape? Landscape Journal 25(2): 218-227.
Conway, T.M. 2005. Current and future patterns of land-use change in the coastal zone of New Jersey. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 32(6): 877-893.
Conway, T.M. and R.G. Lathrop. 2005. Modeling the ecological consequences of land use policies in an urbanizing region. Environmental Management 35(3): 278-291.
Conway, T.M. and R.G. Lathrop. 2005. Alternative land use regulations and environmental impacts: assessing future land use in an urbanizing watershed. Landscape and Urban Planning 70(1): 1-15.


Kathleen Watt, Evaluating the Oak Ridge’s Moraine: plan implementation and land cover impacts, ongoing since 2014.