Join the Dillon Lab

Graduate Students

The Dillon Lab is actively recruiting graduate students for fully funded MSc and PhD positions. In the Dillon Lab, you will join an ongoing project and have the opportunity to develop your own research interests within the scope of our program. Opportunities are available for both wet-lab and computational projects. We especially encourage applicants from underrepresented groups who will contribute to further diversification of ideas in our research program. If you’re interested in a graduate position in our lab, please send your CV, transcripts, and a brief summary of your research interests and long-term career goals to

Formal applications will occur through the University of Toronto tri-campus graduate program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB), which has both a 16-month concentrated MSc program and a 5-year funded PhD program. All graduate students are guaranteed a stable yearly income of ~$44,000, including ~$10,000 for tuition and ~$34,000 for living expenses. Graduate students in the Dillon Lab are also strongly encouraged to apply for Canadian Graduate Fellowships from NSERC and CIHR. See the link below for more information about applying to the UofT EEB Graduate Program.  



Undergraduate Students

The Dillon Lab also offers multiple positions each year for undergraduate students to conduct independent research through the Research Opportunity Program (BIO299; BIO399) and through Independent Research Projects (BIO481). Students will join an ongoing project of interest and conduct research related to their career aspirations. If you are an undergraduate student interested in joining the Dillon Lab, please send inquiries to It is best to reach out well in advance because we are often operating at full capacity and it can take time for undergraduate positions to become available. Your email should include your CV, transcripts, and a brief summary of your long-term career goals.


Postdoctoral Fellows

We currently have limited funding for postdoctoral fellows, but I would be happy to discuss opportunities fellowship proposals if your interests fit within the scope of our research program. I view postdocs as an opportunity to conduct research that will ultimately serve as the foundation for your independent program, so my expectation is that your research will extend beyond the boundaries of our ongoing projects. Interested applicants should sent inquires to, and should include their CV, transcripts, and a summary of their research interests in their email.


Industry Collaborations

We are actively seeking opportunitites to apply our expertise in microbial evolution, next-generation sequencing, and plant pathology to real-world problems that will also enable us to ask exciting questions in real-world systems via industry collaborations. If you are working in industry and are interested in a collaboration, please contact me via e-mail at and I would be happy to set up a meeting.


Dillon Lab Mailing Address

Marcus Dillon

Department of Biology

University of Toronto at Mississauga

3359 Mississauga Road

William G. Davis Building, Rm 3034

Mississauga, ON, CAN L5L 1C6