TRANSCRIPTION GLASS, 04-01-2018An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.2 showcasing the functionality of the transcription glass. |
OPEN BOOK, 04-03-2018An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.2 showcasing the opened book. |
LECTERN PROFILE, 11-02-2017An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.2 showcasing the eagle lectern under a new lighting system, this time from a profile view. |
LECTERN, 11-01-2017An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.2 showcasing the eagle lectern under a new lighting system. |
HAND TOOL, 10-06-2016An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.1 showcasing the "Hand" tool, which enables users to click and drag to turn the pages while using a more rigid page animation. |
BOOK MODE, 10-05-2016An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.1 showcasing the open book sitting atop the eagle lectern, as viewed from the front in Book Mode. |
Navigation MODE, 10-04-2016An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.1 showcasing the open book sitting atop the eagle lectern, as viewed from an angle in Navigation Mode. |
USER INTERFACE, 10-03-2016An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.1 showcasing the finished user interface as it appears in Book Mode. |
eAGLE LEctern, 09-18-2016An in-development screenshot of Prototype v.1 showcasing an early attempt at texturing and smoothing the eagle lectern in Unity. |
SKYBOX, 06-03-2016An early proof-of-concept build with a filtered version of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library spherical skybox. In this screenshot, the book is viewed from behind. |
Skybox, 06-02-2016An early proof-of-concept build with a first attempt at transforming a cubic panorama of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library into a spherical skybox. |
HAND TOOL, 05-31-2016An early proof-of-concept build that uses a more rigid animation rig for turning pages in comparison to the cloth animation preset that was previously used. |
USER INTERFACE, 05-06-2016An early proof-of-concept build with the user interface implemented. |
aNNOTATION TOOL, 05-01-2016An early proof-of-concept build that uses IIIF to read annotation manifests and map the annotations onto IIIF-served manuscript pages in Unity. |
Prototype, 04-30-2016An early proof-of-concept build that uses IIIF to call Bodmer 48 into Unity and apply the manuscript pages to blank pages of the book model. |
Textured Book, 04-06-2016A textured rendering of Wellington, Alexander Turnbull Library, MS Wellington Bible Society (s. xv, France, Bible). Model created by Jaron Evans. |
Book Model, 04-05-2016A 3D rendering of Wellington, Alexander Turnbull Library, MS Wellington Bible Society (s. xv, France, Bible) as it appears in Unity. Model created by Jaron Evans. |