*BIG Lab trainee
In Press and Online First Ahead of Print
*Gómez Jiménez, F. R., *Dhillon, A. K., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Sexual and gender diversity in Thailand: Associations with recalled childhood gender behavior and adulthood occupational preferences. Archives of Sexual Behavior. In press.
*Kwan, K. M. W., *Isani, S., *James, H. J., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *MacMullin, L. N., Shi, S. Y., Poon, B. H. P., *Peragine, D. E., Wong, W. I., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2025). Children's facial emotional expressions to gender-nonconforming hypothetical peers. Archives of Sexual Behavior. In press. (Note: WIW and DPV are co-senior authors).
*MacMullin, L. N., Sorbara, J. C., Coome, L. A., VanderLaan, D. P., & Palmert, M. R. (2024). Characteristics of youth presenting for gender care compared to background populations: Examination of social determinants of health. LGBT Health. In press. DOI:10.1089/lgbt.2023.0271.
*MacMullin, L. N., Wong, W. I., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Testing an empathy-based intervention to improve children's gender-related attitudes. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis. In press.
*Thurston, L. T., Rodkong, A., Saokhieo, P., Supindham, T., Kaewthip, O., Wantanajittikul, K., *Skorska, M. N., Lai, M.-C., Chariyalertsak, S., Saekho, S., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2025). White matter microstructure among straight and gay cisgender men, sao praphet song, and straight cisgender women in Thailand. Human Brain Mapping. In press.
Wong, W. I., Shi, S. Y., van der Miesen, A. I. R., Ngan, C. L., Lei, H. C., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Observations on gender variance in Chinese community children measured by the Gender Identity Questionnaire for Children. Archives of Sexual Behavior. In press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-024-02889-3
*Zahran, A., *Skorska, M. N., *Coome, L. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2023). Recalled separation anxiety in relation to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in Thailand. Journal of Sex Research. In press. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2023.2279238
*Gómez Jiménez, F. R., *Skorska, M. N., *Zahran, A., Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Facial symmetry of the sisters of Thai and Istmo Zapotec androphilic males. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 18, 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1037/ebs0000317
Kwan, K. M. W., Shi, S. Y., *MacMullin, L. N., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *Peragine, D. E., VanderLaan, D. P., & Wong, W. I. (2024). "He did girls' things!" Hong Kong and Canadian children's reasoning about moral judgements of peers' gendered behavior. Developmental Psychology, 60, 1066-1081. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001698 (Note: DPV and WIW are co-senior authors).
*MacMullin, L. N., *Mvunga, J., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Risk and resilience among BIPOC trans youth: A qualitative study. Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies, 3, 177-203. DOI:10.57814/J5S8-TJ45
Mo, K., Anagnostou, E., Lerch, J. P., Taylor, M. J., VanderLaan, D. P., Szatmari, P., Crosbie, J., Nicolson, R., Georgiadis, S., Kelley, E., Ayub, M., Brian, J., Lai, M.-C., & Palmert, M. R. (2024). Gender diversity is correlated with dimensional neurodivergent traits but not categorical neurodevelopmental diagnoses in children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65, 1223-1236. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.13965.
*Skorska, M. N., Saokhieo, P., *Thurston, L. T., *Coome, L. A., Kaewthip, O., Chariyalertsak, S., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Exogenous hormone use among transfeminine individuals in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Transgender Health, 6, 516-521. https://doi.org/10.1089/trgh.2022.0087
*Thurston, L. T., *Skorska, M. N., Lobaugh, N. J., Zucker, K. J., Chakravarty, M. M., Lai, M.-C., Chavez, S., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). White matter microstructure in transmasculine and cisgender adolescents: A multiparametric and multivariate study. PLoS One, 19, e0300139. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300139 (Note: SC and DPV are co-senior authors)
VanderLaan, D. P., & Hüpen, P. (2024). Basic neuroscience is integral to transgender people's health care. Nature, 632, 259. DOI:10.1038/d41586-024-02549-5.
van der Miesen, A. I. R., Shi, S. Y., Lei, H. C., Ngan, C. L., VanderLaan, D. P., & Wong, W. I. (2024). Gender variance in a Chinese community sample and its association with autism traits. Autism Research, 17, 1407-1416. http://doi.org/10.1002/aur.3075
Wong, W. I., van der Miesen, A. I. R., Shi, S. Y., Ngan, C. L., Lei, H. C., Leung, J. S. Y., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2024). Gender variance and psychological wellbeing in Chinese community children. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 11, 715-726. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000632
*Hu, D. Z., *Gómez Jiménez, F. R., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2023). A test of the kin selection hypothesis for female gynephilia in Thailand. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 2153-2161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-023-02619-1
*Peragine, D. E., Kim, J. J., Maxwell, J. A., *Skorska, M. N., Impett, E. A., Cunningham, W. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2023). Not who you are, but who you are with: Re-examining women's less satisfying sexual debuts. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 3405-3427. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-023-02667-7
Qian, M., Wong, W. I., *Nabbijohn, A. N., Wang, Y., *MacMullin, L. N., *James, H. J., Fu, G., Zuo, B., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2023). Children's implicit gender-toy association development varies across cultures. Developmental Psychology, 59, 2287-2295. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001590
Semenyna, S. W., Gómez Jiménez, F. R., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2023). Male androphilia, fraternal birth order, and female fecundity in Samoa: A 10-year retrospective. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 120, e2313284120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2313284120
*Skorska, M. N., *Thurston, L. T., *Biasin, J. M., Devenyi, G. A., Zucker, K. J., Chakravarty, M. M., Lai, M.-C., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2023). Cortical structure differences in relation to age, sexual attractions, and gender dysphoria in adolescents: An examination of mean diffusivity and T1 relaxation time. Brain Sciences, 13, 963. doi:10.3390/brainsci13060963 (Appears in special issue: Neurobiology of sexual orientation and gender identification: Findings and challenges)
VanderLaan, D. P., *Skorska, M. N., *Peragine, D. E., & *Coome, L. A. (2023). Carving the biodevelopment of same-sex sexual orientation at its joints. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 2939-2962. doi:10.1007/s10508-022-02360-1 (Note: Published as a Target Article for Peer Commentaries)
VanderLaan, D. P., *Skorska, M. N., *Peragine, D. E., & *Coome, L. A. (2023). Consensus and caveats concerning "Carving the biodevelopment of same-sex sexual orientation at its joints": Reply to peer commentaries on VanderLaan, Skroska, Peragine, and Coome. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 3019-3023. doi:10.1007/s10508-023-02745-w
de Graaf, N. M., Steensma, T. D., Carmichael, P., VanderLaan, D. P., Aitken, M., Cohen-Kettenis, P., de Vries, A. L. C., Kreukels, B., Wasserman, L., Wood, H., & Zucker, K. J. (2022). Suicidality in clinic-referred transgender adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 31, 67-83. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-020-01663-9
*MacMullin, L. N., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). Mental health and minority stress experiences among gender-nonconforming children. In D. P. VanderLaan & W. I. Wong (Eds.), Gender and sexuality development: Contemporary theory and research (pp. 551-555). New York: Springer.
*Munoz Murakami, L. Y., *van der Miesen, A. I. R., *Nabbijohn, A. N., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). Childhood gender variance and the autism spectrum: Evidence of an association using a Child Behavior Checklist 10-item screener. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 48, 645-651. DOI:10.80/0092623X.2022.2035870
*Peragine, D. E., *Skorska, M. N., Maxwell, J. A., Impett, E. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). A learning experience? Orgasm at sexual debut and the gender gap in sexual desire among emerging adults. Journal of Sex Research, 59, 1092-1109. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2022.2027855
*Peragine, D. E., *Skorska, M. N., Maxwell, J. A., Impett, E. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). The risks and benefits of being "early to bed": Toward a broader understanding of age at sexual debut and sexual health in adulthood. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19, 1343-1358. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2022.06.005
*Skorska, M. N., Lobaugh, N. J., Lombardo, M. V., *van Bruggen, N., Chavez, S., *Thurston, L. T., Aitken, M., Zucker, K. J., Chakravarty, M. M., Lai, M.-C., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). Inter-network brain functional connectivity in adolescents assigned female at birth who experience gender dysphoria. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13, 903058. doi:10.3389/fendo.2022.903058. (Appears in special issue: Research in transgender healthcare: What have we learned and where are we going?; Note: MCL and DPV are co-senior authors)
Swift-Gallant, A., *Coome, L. A., Monks, D. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). Recalled childhood separation anxiety differs by anal sex role among gay men. Journal of Sex Research, 59, 546-554. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2021.1903378
VanderLaan, D. P., *Skorska, M. N., *Peragine, D. E., & *Coome, L. A. (2022). Carving the biodevelopment of same-sex sexual orientation at its joints. In D. P. VanderLaan & W. I. Wong (Eds.), Gender and sexuality development: Contemporary theory and research (pp. 491-537). New York: Springer.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Wong, W. I. (2022). Gender and sexuality development: Contemporary theory and research (Edited Book). New York: Springer.
Wang, Y., Qian, M., *Nabbijohn, A. N., Wen, F., Fu, G., Zuo, B., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2022). Culture influences the development of children's gender-related peer preferences: Evidence from China and Thailand. Developmental Science, 25, e13221. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13221
Brown, N. B., *Peragine, D. E., VanderLaan, D. P., Kingstone, A., & Brotto, L. A. (2021). Cognitive processing of sexual cues in asexual individuals and heterosexual women with sexual desire/arousal difficulties. PLoS ONE, 16, e0251074. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0251074
*MacMullin, L. N., *Bokeloh, L. M., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *Santarossa, A., *van der Miesen, A. I. R., *Peragine, D. E., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). Examining the relation between gender nonconformity and psychological well-being in children: The roles of peers and parents. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 823-841. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01832-6
Qian, M. K., Wang, Y., Wong, W. I., Fu, G., Zuo, B., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). The effects of race, gender, and gender-typed behavior on children's friendship appraisals. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 807-820. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01825-5
*Peragine, D. E., *Gill, B., *Troisi, V. V., *MacMullin, L. N., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). Children's intergroup gender bias and self-perceived same- and other-gender similarity. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39, 125-132. DOI:10.1111/bjdp.12351
*Skorska, M. N., Chavez, S., Devenyi, G. A., Patel, R., *Thurston, L. T., Lai, M.-C., Zucker, K. J., Chakravarty, M. M., Lobaugh, N. J., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). A multi-modal MRI analysis of cortical structure in relation to gender dysphoria, sexual orientation, and age in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10, 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10020345 (Appears in the special issue: Neural Substrates of Gender Incongruence; Note: NJL and DPV are co-senior authors).
*Skorska, M. N., *Coome, L. A., *Peragine, D. E., Aitken, M., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). An anthropometric study of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thailand. Scientific Reports, 11, 18432. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97845-9 (Note: MNS and LAC had equal contributions).
*Skorska, M. N., *Coome, L. A., *Zahran, A., *Peragine, D. E., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). Facial attractiveness of sisters of Thai gay men and sao praphet song. Journal of Sex Research, 58, 116-121. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2020.1742858
*Thurston, L. T., *Coome, L. A., *Skorska, M. N., *Peragine, D. E., Saokhieo, P., Kaewthip, O., Chariyalertsak, S., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2021). Mental rotation task performance in relation to sexual and gender diversity in Thailand. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 133, 105428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105428
Blanchard, R., Krupp, J., VanderLaan, D. P., Vasey, P. L., & Zucker, K. J. (2020). A method yielding comparable estimates of the fraternal birth order and female fecundity effects in male homosexuality. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B: Biological Sciences, 287, 20192907. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2019.2907
*Coome, L. A., *Skorska, M. N., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Direct reproduction and sexual orientation and gender diversity in Thailand. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 2449-2460. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01830-8
*Gao, B., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Cultural influences on perceptions of emotions depicted in emojis. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23, 567-570. doi:10.1089/cyber.2020.0024
Kwan, K. M. W., Shi, S. Y., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *MacMullin, L. N., VanderLaan, D. P., & Wong, W. I. (2020). Children's appraisals of gender nonconformity: Developmental pattern and intervention. Child Development, 91, e780-e798. https://doi.org/10.1111/cd.13316 (Note: DPV and WIW are co-senior authors).
*MacMullin, L. N., Aitken, M., *Nabbijohn, A. N., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Self-harm and suicidality in gender-nonconforming children: A Canadian community-based parent-report study. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 7, 76-90. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000353
*MacMullin, L. N., *Nabbijohn, A. N., Kwan, K. M. W., *Santarossa, A., *Peragine, D. E., *James, H. J., Wong, W. I., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Testing an intergroup relations intervention strategy to improve children's appraisals of gender-nonconforming peers. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 29, 167-181. (Note: WIW and DPV are co-senior authors).
*Nabbijohn, A. N., *MacMullin, L. N., Kwan, K. M. W., *Santarossa, A., *Peragine, D. E., Wong, W. I., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Children's bias in appraisals of gender-variant peers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 196, 104865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104865 (Note: WIW and DPV are co-senior authors).
*Ngo, H., VanderLaan, D. P., & Aitken, M. (2020). Self-esteem, symptom severity, and treatment response in adolescents with internalizing problems. Journal of Affective Disorders, 273, 183-191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.04.045
Semenyna, S. W., Gómez Jiménez, F. R., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2020). Inter-sexual mate competition in three cultures. PLoS ONE, 15, e0236549. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236549
*Skorska, M. N., *Coome, L. A., Saokhieo, P., Kaewthip, O., Chariyalertsak, S., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Handedness and birth order among heterosexual men, gay men, and sao praphet song in Northern Thailand. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 2431-2448. doi:10.1007/s10508-020-01774-z
VanderLaan, D. P., & *Coome, L. A. (2020). On the importance of stimulus selection in replicating studies of within-sex variation in mental rotation test performance. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 115, 104546. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104546
Vasey, P. L., Petterson, L. J., Semenyna, S. W., Gómez, F. R., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Kin selection and the evolution of male androphilia. In L. Workman, W. Reader, & J. H. Barkow (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior (pp. 366-377). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wong, W. I., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2020). Sex differences in early life: A cross-cultural perspective. In F. M. Cheung & D. F. Halpern (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women (pp. 83-95). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bogaert, A. F., Skorska, M. N., Wang, C., Gabrie, J., MacNeil, A. J., Hoffarth, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Zucker, K. J., & Blanchard, R. (2019). Older brothers, sexual orientation, and a maternal immune reaction: Our response to Rao & Andrade. Journal of Psychosexual Health, 1, 288.
Leef, J. H., Brian, J., VanderLaan, D. P., Wood, H., Scott, K., Lai, M.-C., Bradley, S. J., & Zucker, K. J. (2019). Traits of autism spectrum disorder in school-aged children with gender dysphoria: A comparison to clinical controls. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7, 383-395. doi:10.1037/cpp0000303
*Nabbijohn, A. N., *van der Miesen, A. I. R., *Santarossa, A., *Peragine, D. E., de Vries, A. L. C., Popma, A., Lai, M.-C., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2019). Gender variance and the autism spectrum: An examination of children ages 6-to-12 years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 1570-1585. doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3843-z.
*Santarossa, A., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *van der Miesen, A. I. R., *Peragine, D. E., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2019). Separation anxiety and gender variance in a community sample of children. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 28, 1629-1643. doi:10.1007/s00787-019-01319-3.
Swift-Gallant, A., *Coome, L. A., Aitken, M., Monks, D. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2019). Evidence for distinct biodevelopmental influences on male sexual orientation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 116, 12787-12792. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1809920116.
Swift-Gallant, A., *Coome, L. A., *Skorska, M. N., Monks, D. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2019). Pubertal onset and anal sex role among gay men. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 6, 107-112. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000302
Wong, W. I., *van der Miesen, A. I. R., Li, T. G. F., *MacMullin, L. N., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2019). Childhood social gender transition and psychosocial well-being: A comparison to cisgender gender-variant children. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7, 241-253. doi:10.1037/cpp0000295 (Appears in the special issue: Advancing the Practice of Pediatric Psychology with Transgender Youth).
Zucker, K. J., VanderLaan, D. P., & Aitken, M. (2019). The contemporary sex ratio of transgender youth that favors assigned females at birth is a robust phenomenon: A response to the Letter to the Editor Re: "Shifts in assigned sex ratios at gender identity clinics likely reflect change in referral patterns". Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16, 949-950. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.03.406.
Bogaert, A. F., Skorska, M. N., Wang, C., Gabrie, J., MacNeil, A. J., Hoffarth, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Zucker, K. J., & Blanchard, R. (2018). Male homosexuality and maternal immune responsivity to the Y-linked protein NLGN4Y. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 115, 302-306. doi/10.1073/pnas.1705895114
*Coome, L. A., *Skorska, M. N., *van der Miesen, A. I. R., *Peragine, D. E., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2018). An examination of the biodevelopment of gender expression in children ages 6-to-12 years. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27, 133-143.
Drummond, K. D., Bradley, S. J., Peterson-Badali, M., VanderLaan, D. P., & Zucker, K. J. (2018). Behavior Problems and Psychiatric Diagnoses in Girls with Gender Identity Disorder: A Follow-up Study. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 44, 172-187.
Petterson, L. J., VanderLaan, D. P., Persson, T., & Vasey, P. L. (2018). The relationship between indicators of depression and anxiety and sexual orientation in Canadian women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 1173-1182. doi:10.1007/s10508-017-1099-x
Swift-Gallant, A., *Coome, L. A., Monks, D. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2018). Gender nonconformity and birth order in relation to anal sex role among gay men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 1041-1052. doi:10.1007/s10508-017-0980-y
VanderLaan, D. P., *Santarossa, A., *Nabbijohn, A. N., Wood, H., Owen-Anderson, A., & Zucker, K. J. (2018). Separation anxiety among birth-assigned male children in a specialty gender identity service. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27, 89-98. doi:10.1007/s00787-017-1018-7.
*van der Miesen, A. I. R., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *Santarossa, A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2018). Behavioral and emotional problems in gender-nonconforming children: A Canadian community-based study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 57, 491-499. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2018.03.015
Zucker, K. J., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2018). Corrections to Øien, Cicchetti, and Nordahl-Hansen’s “Gender dysphoria, sexuality and autism spectrum disorder: A systematic map review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 4038.
Berchard, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Wood, H., Wasserman, L., & Zucker, K. J. (2017). Psychosocial and psychiatric vulnerability in adolescents with gender dysphoria: A “proof of principle” study. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 43, 678-688. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2016.1232325
*Hughes, S. K., VanderLaan, D. P., Blanchard, R., Wood, H., Wasserman, L., & Zucker, K. J. (2017). The prevalence of only-child status among children and adolescents referred to a gender identity service vs. a clinical comparison group. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 43, 586-593. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2016.1208702
Petterson, L. J., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2017). Sex, sexual orientation, gender atypicality and traits of depression and anxiety in childhood and adulthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 1383-1392. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0690-x
Semenyna, S. W., Petterson, L. J., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2017). A comparison of the reproductive output among the relatives of Samoan androphilic fa’afafine and gynephilic men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 87-93. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0765-8
Semenyna, S. W., VanderLaan, D. P., Petterson, L. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2017). Familial patterning and prevalence of male androphilia in Samoa. Journal of Sex Research, 54, 1077-1084. doi:10.1080/00224499.2016.1218416
Semenyna, S. W., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2017). Birth order and recalled childhood gender nonconformity in Samoan men and fa’afafine. Developmental Psychobiology, 59, 338-347. doi:10.1002/dev.21498
Skorska, M. N., Blanchard, R., VanderLaan, D. P., Zucker, K. J., & Bogaert, A. F. (2017). Gay male only-children: Evidence for low birth weight and high maternal miscarriages. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 205-215. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0829-9
Swift-Gallant, A., *Coome, L. A., Monks, D. A., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2017). Handedness is a biomarker of variation in anal sex role behavior and recalled childhood gender nonconformity among gay men. PLoS ONE, 12, e0170241. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170241
VanderLaan, D. P., Blanchard, R., Zucker, K. J., Massuda, R., Vaitses Fontanari, A. M., Oliviera Borba, A., Brandelli Costa, A., Abel Schneider, M., Mueller, A., Machado Borba Soll, B., Schwarz, K., Cardoso da Silva, D., & Inês Rodrigues Lobato, M. (2017). Birth order and androphilic male-to-female transsexualism in Brazil. Journal of Biosocial Science, 49, 527-535. doi:10.1017/S0021932016000584
VanderLaan, D. P., Petterson, L. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2017). Elevated kin-directed altruism emerges in childhood and is linked to feminine gender expression: A retrospective study of Samoan fa’afafine. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 95-108. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0884-2
Zucker, K. J., *Nabbijohn, A. N., *Santarossa, A., Wood, H., Bradley, S. J., *Matthews, J., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2017). Intense/obsessional interests in children with gender dysphoria: A cross-validation study using the Teacher's Report Form. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 11. doi:10.1186/s13034-017-0189-9
Aitken, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Wasserman, L., Stojanovski, S., & Zucker, K. J. (2016). Self-harm and suicidality in children referred for gender dysphoria. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55, 513-520. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2016.04.001
de Vries, A. L. C., Steensma, T. D., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., VanderLaan, D. P., & Zucker, K. J. (2016). Poor peer relations predict parent- and self-reported behavioral and emotional problems of adolescents with gender dysphoria: A cross-national, cross-clinic comparative analysis. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 25, 579-588. doi:10.1007/s00787-015-0764-7
Shiffman, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Wood, H., Hughes, S. K., Owen-Anderson, A., Lumley, M. M., Lollis, S. P., & Zucker, K. J. (2016). Behavioral and emotional problems as a function of peer relationships in adolescents with gender dysphoria: A comparison with clinical and nonclinical controls. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 3, 27-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000152
VanderLaan, D. P., Petterson, L. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2016). Femininity and kin-directed altruism in androphilic men: A test of an evolutionary developmental model. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45, 619-633. doi:10.1007/s10508-015-0632-z
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2016). Kin selection hypothesis. In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (in press). New York: Springer.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2016). Fa’afafine. In T. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (in press). New York: Springer.
Vasey, P. L., VanderLaan, D. P., Hames, R. B., & Jaidee, A. (2016). A Problematic Test of the Kin Selection Hypothesis among the Urak-Lawoi of Ko Lipeh, Thailand: Commentary on Camperio Ciani, Battaglia, & Liotta (2015). Journal of Sex Research, 53, 149-152.
Zucker, K. J., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2016). The self in gender dysphoria: A developmental perspective. In M. Kyrios, S. Bhar, G. Doron, M. Mikulincer, R. Moulding, and M. Nedeljkovic (Eds.), The self in understanding and treating psychological disorders (pp. 222-232). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zucker, K. J., Wood, H., Wasserman, L., VanderLaan, D. P., & Aitken, M. (2016). Comment on Chen, Fuqua, and Eugster’s (2016) “Characteristics of Referrals for Gender Dysphoria Over a 13-Year Period.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 58, 693-694.
Aitken, M., Steensma, T. D., Blanchard, R., VanderLaan, D. P., Wood, H., Fuentes, A., Spegg, C., Wasserman, L., Ames, M., Fitzsimmons, C. L., Leef, J. H., Lishak, V., Reim, E., Takagi, A., Vinik, J., Wreford, J., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., de Vries, A. L. C., Kreukels, B. P. C., & Zucker, K. J. (2015). Evidence for an altered sex ratio in clinic‐referred adolescents with gender dysphoria. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 756-763. doi:10.1111/jsm.12817.
Blanchard, R., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2015). Commentary on Kishida and Rahman (2015), including a meta-analysis of relevant studies on fraternal birth order and sexual orientation in men [Invited Commentary]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 1503-1509. doi:10.1007/s10508-015-0555-8.
VanderLaan, D. P., Blanchard, R., Wood, H., Garzon, L. C., & Zucker, K. J. (2015). Birth weight and two possible types of maternal effects on male sexual orientation: A clinical study of children and adolescents referred to a gender identity service. Developmental Psychobiology, 57, 25-34. doi:10.1002/dev.21254.
VanderLaan, D. P., Leef, J. H., Wood, H., Hughes, S. K., & Zucker, K. J. (2015). Autism spectrum disorder risk factors and autistic traits in gender dysphoric children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 1742-1750. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2331-3.
VanderLaan, D. P., Petterson, L. J., Mallard, R. W., & Vasey, P. L. (2015). (Trans)Gender role expectations and child care in Samoa. Journal of Sex Research, 52, 710-720. doi:10.1080/00224499.2014.884210.
VanderLaan, D. P., Petterson, L. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2015). Elevated childhood separation anxiety: An early developmental expression of heightened concern for kin in homosexual men? Personality and Individual Differences, 81, 188-194. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2014.03.018.
VanderLaan, D. P., Postema, L., Wood, H., Singh, D., Fantus, S., Hyun, J., Leef, J., Bradley, S. J., & Zucker, K. J. (2015). Do children with gender dysphoria have intense/obsessional interests? Journal of Sex Research, 52, 213-219. doi:10.1080/00224499.2013.860073
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2015). Evolutionary developmental perspectives on male androphilia. In V. Zeigler-Hill, L. M. Welling, & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary perspectives of social psychology (pp. 333-343). New York: Springer.
Abild, M. L., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2014). Does geographic proximity influence the expression of avuncular tendencies in Canadian androphilic males? Journal of Cognition and Culture, 14, 41-63. doi:10.1163/15685373-12342109.
Steensma, T. D., Zucker, K. J., Kreukels, B. P. C., VanderLaan, D. P., Wood, H., Fuentes, A., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2014). Behavioral and emotional problems on the Teacher’s Report Form: A cross-national, cross-clinic comparative analysis of gender dysphoric children and adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 635-647. doi:10.1007/s10802-013-9804-2.
VanderLaan, D. P., Garfield, Z. H., Garfield, M. J., Leca, J., Vasey, P. L., & Hames, R. B. (2014). The “female fertility–social stratification–hypergyny” hypothesis of male homosexual preference: Factual, conceptual and methodological errors in Barthes et al. [Commentary]. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 445-447. 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.06.002.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2014). Evidence of cognitive biases for maximizing indirect fitness in Samoan fa’afafine. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 1009-1022. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0288-0.
VanderLaan, D. P., Blanchard, R., Wood, H., & Zucker, K. J. (2014). Birth order and sibling sex ratio of children and adolescents referred to a gender identity service. PLoS ONE, 9, e90257. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090257.
Vasey, P. L., Parker, J. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2014). Comparative reproductive output of androphilic and gynephilic males in Samoa. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 363-367. doi:10.1007/s10508-013-0195-9.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2014). Evolving research on the evolution of male androphilia. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 23, 137-147. doi:10.3138/cjhs.23.3-co1.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2014). Transgendered male androphilia in the human ancestral environment. In T. Shackelford, & R. Hanson (Eds.), The evolution of human sexuality (pp. 185-206). New York: Springer.
Vasey, P. L. & VanderLaan, D. P. (2014). Evolutionary perspectives on male androphilia in humans. In V. Weekes- Shackelford & T. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary perspectives on human sexual psychology and behavior, (pp. 369-391). New York: Springer.
Zucker, K. J., Wood, H., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2014). Models of psychopathology in children and adolescents with gender dysphoria. In B. P. C. Kreukels, T. D. Steensma, & A. L. C. de Vries (Eds.), Gender dysphoria and disorders of sex development: Progress in care and knowledge (pp. 171-192). New York: Springer.
Abild, M. L., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2013). No evidence for treating friends’ children like kin in Canadian androphilic men. Journal of Sex Research, 50, 697-703.
VanderLaan, D. P., Forrester, D. L., Petterson, L. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2013). The prevalence of fa’afafine relatives among Samoan gynephilic men and fa’afafine. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 353-359. doi:10.1007/s10508-012-0015-7.
VanderLaan, D. P., Ren, Z., & Vasey, P. L. (2013). Male androphilia in the ancestral environment: An ethnological analysis. Human Nature, 24, 375-401. doi:10.1007/s12110-013-9182-z. [Awarded the Annual Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Ira and Harriet Reiss Theory Award for the most significant theoretical advance in social science theories concerning human sexuality.]
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2013). Birth order and avuncular tendencies in Samoan men and fa’afafine. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 371-379. doi:10.1007/s10508-012-0039-z.
VanderLaan, D. P., Vokey, J. R., & Vasey, P. L. (2013). Is transgendered male androphilia familial in non-Western populations? The case of a Samoan village. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 361-370. 10.1007/s10508-012-0037-1.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). Relationship status and elevated avuncularity in Samoan fa’afafine. Personal Relationships, 19, 326-339. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6811.2011.01364.x.
VanderLaan, D. P., Forrester, D. L., Petterson, L. J., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). Offspring production among the extended relatives of Samoan men and fa'afafine. PLoS ONE, 7, e36088. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036088.
VanderLaan, D. P., Pellis, S. M., & Vasey, P. L. (2012). A theoretical model of the development and evolution of non-conceptive mounting behaviour in Japanese Macaques. In J. B. Leca, M. A. Huffman, & P. L. Vasey (Eds.), The monkeys of Stormy Mountain: Sixty years of research at Arashiyama, (pp. 186-203). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2012). Is female homosexual behaviour in Japanese Macaques truly sexual? In J. B. Leca, M. A. Huffman, & P. L. Vasey (Eds.), The monkeys of Stormy Mountain: Sixty years of research at Arashiyama, (pp. 153-185). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2012). Sexual orientation in men and avuncularity in Japan: Implications for the kin selection hypothesis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 209-215. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9763-z.
Forrester, D. L., VanderLaan, D. P., Parker, J. L., & Vasey, P. L. (2011). Male sexual orientation and avuncularity in Canada: Implications for the kin selection hypothesis. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 11, 339–352. doi:10.1163/156853711X591288.
VanderLaan, D. P. (2011). M. Siegelman (2006), An evolutionary theory and celebration of male sexual arousal by females: The foundations of male heterosexuality [Book Review]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 1051-1052. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9828-z.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2011). Male sexual orientation in Independent Samoa: Evidence for fraternal birth order and maternal fecundity effects. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 495-503. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9576-5.
VanderLaan, D. P., Gothreau, L. M., Bartlett, N. H., & Vasey, P. L. (2011). Separation anxiety in feminine boys: Pathological or prosocial? Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 15, 30-45. doi:10.1080/19359705.2011.530570.
VanderLaan, D. P., Gothreau, L. M., Bartlett, N. H., & Vasey, P. L. (2011). Recalled separation anxiety and gender atypicality in childhood: A study of Canadian heterosexual and homosexual men and women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 1233-1240. doi:10.1007/s10508-010-9695-z.
Vasey, P. L., VanderLaan, D. P., Gothreau, L. M., & Bartlett, N. H. (2011). Traits of separation anxiety in childhood: A retrospective study of Samoan men, women, and fa’afafine. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 511-517. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9589-0.
Reinhart, C. J., Pellis, V. C., Thierry, B., Gauthier, C., VanderLaan, D. P., Vasey, P. L., & Pellis, S. M. (2010). Targets and tactics of play fighting: Competitive versus cooperative styles of play in Japanese and Tonkean macaques. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 23, 166-200.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2010). Avuncular tendencies and the evolution of male androphilia in Samoan fa’afafine. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 821-830. doi:10.1007/s10508-008-9404-3.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2010). Monetary exchanges with nieces and nephews: A comparison of Samoan men, women, and fa'afafine. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 373-380. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2010.04.001d.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2010). An adaptive cognitive dissociation between willingness to help kin and nonkin in Samoan fa'afafine. Psychological Science, 21, 292-297. doi:10.1177/0956797609359623.
Bartlett, N. H., Patterson, H. M., VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2009). The relation between women's body esteem and friendships with gay men. Body Image, 6, 235-241. doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2009.04.005.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2009). Patterns of sexual coercion in heterosexual and non-heterosexual men and women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38, 987-999. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9480-z.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2009). Materteral and avuncular tendencies in Samoa: A comparative study of women, men, and fa’afafine. Human Nature, 20, 269-281. doi:10.1007/s12110-009-9066-4.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2009). Kin selection and the evolution of male androphilia [Letter to the Editor]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38, 170-171.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2009). A factual correction to Zietsch et al. (2008) [Commentary]. Evolution and Human Behavior, 30, 152.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2008). Mate retention behavior of men and women in heterosexual and homosexual relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37, 572-585. doi:10.1007/s10508-006-9139-y.
VanderLaan, D. P., & Vasey, P. L. (2008). G. Wilson & Q. Rahman (2005), Born gay: The psychobiology of sex orientation [Book Review]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37, 673–674. doi:10.1007/s10508-008-9373-6.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2008). R. Totman (2003), The third sex—Kathoey: Thailand’s ladyboys [Book Review]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37, 671-672. doi:10.1007/s10508-008-9368-3.
Vasey, P. L., VanderLaan, D. P., Rains, D., Duckworth, N., & Kovacovsky, S. D. (2008). Inter-mount social interactions during heterosexual and homosexual consortships in Japanese macaques. Ethology, 114, 564-574. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01502.x.
Vasey, P. L., Rains, D., VanderLaan, D. P., Duckworth, N., & Kovacovsky, S. D. (2008). Courtship behaviour in Japanese macaques during heterosexual and homosexual consortships. Behavioural Processes, 78, 401-407. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2008.02.006.
Vasey, P. L., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2007). Birth order and male androphilia in Samoan fa'afafine. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274, 1437-1442. doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.0120.
Vasey, P. L., Pocock, D. S., & VanderLaan, D. P. (2007). Kin selection and male androphilia in Samoan fa'afafine. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 159-167. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2006.08.004.