
 Click here for a full CV


* indicates a student

Post-print versions of many of these articles are available through my T-Space page. (underdevelopment)

57. Mell, I. and T.M. Conway. 2023. Promoting essential green infrastructure by acknowledging  local needs in praxis. in the Infrastructure That Connects/Infrastructure That Divides Interface, Eds. M. Siemiatycki and K. Ward with L.K. Bates. Planning Theory & Practice

56. Conway, T.M. *A.Y. Yuan, L.A. Roman, M. Heckert, H. Pearsall, S.T. Dickinson, C.D. Rosan & *C. Ordóñez 2022: Who participates in green infrastructure initiatives and why? Comparing participants and nonparticipants in Philadelphia’s GI programs, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, DOI:10.1080/1523908X.2022.2128310.

55. * Regier, K.  and T.M. Conway. 2022. Where to expand green infrastructure to support equitable climate change adaptation in the city of Toronto? CATE: Cities and the Environment.

54. *Ordóñez Barona, C., K. Wolf, *J.M. Kowalski, D. Kendal, J.A. Byrne, T.M. Conway. 2022. Diversity in public perceptions of urban forests and urban trees: A critical review. Landscape and Urban Planning 226: 104466. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104466

53. *Su, K., *C. Ordóñez, *K. Regier and T.M. Conway. 2022. Values and beliefs about urban forests from diverse urban contexts and populations in the Greater Toronto Area. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 127589 doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127589

52. Conway, T.M., *J.K. Khatib, *J. Tetreult, and A.D. Almas. 2022. A private tree by-law’s contribution to maintaining a diverse urban forest: Exploring homeowners’ replanting compliance and the role of construction activities in Toronto, Canada. Arboricultural and Urban Forestry doi: 10.48044/jauf.2022.002.

51. *Ordóñez, C., T.M. Conway, L.A. Roman. 2021. Intention to install green infrastructure features in private residential outdoor space. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3: 805884. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2021.805884.

50. Conway, T.M., *C. Ordóñez, L.A. Roman, *A. Yuan, H. Pearsall, M. Heckert, S. Dickinson, C. Rosan. 2021. Resident knowledge of and engagement with green infrastructure in Toronto and Philadelphia. Environmental Management 68:566–579. doi: 10.1007/s00267-021-01515-5.

49. Butt, S., S.M. Smith, F. Moola, T.M. Conway. 2021. The Relationship Between Knowledge and Community Engagement in Local Urban Forest Governance: A Case Study Examining the Role of Resident Association Members in Mississauga, Canada. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 60: 127054. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127054.

48. Roman, L.A., T.M. Conway, T.S. Eisenman, A.K. Koeser, D.H. Locke, G. D. Jenerette, J. Östberg, and J. Vogt. Beyond ‘trees are good’: A call for integrated analysis of costs, disservices, and tradeoffs in urban forestry. Ambio. doi: 10.1007/s13280-020-01396-8.

47. Conway, T.M., *A. Khan, and *N. Esak. 2020. An analysis of green infrastructure in municipal policy: Divergent meaning and terminology in the Greater Toronto Area. Land Use Policy 99: 104864. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104864.

46. Clarke, M.K., L.A. Roman, and T.M. Conway. 2020. Communicating with the public about Emerald Ash Borer: Militaristic and fatalistic framings in the news media. Sustainability 12: 4560. doi:10.3390/su12114560.

45. *Khan, T. and T.M. Conway. 2020. Vulnerability of common urban forest species to projected climate change and practitioners’ perceptions and responses. Environmental Management 65(4): 534-547. doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01270-z.

44. Guo, T., J. Morgenroth, and T.M. Conway. 2019. To plant, remove, or retain: Understanding property owner decisions about trees during redevelopment. Landscape and Urban Planning. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.103601.

43. Guo, T., J. Morgenroth, T.M. Conway, and C. Xu. 2019. City-wide canopy cover decline due to residential property redevelopment in Christchurch, New Zealand. Science of the Total Environment 681: 202-210.

42. Conway, T.M., A. Almas and *D. Coore. 2019. Ecosystem Services, Ecological Integrity, and Native Species Planting: How to balance these ideas in urban forest management? Urban Forestry and Urban Greening doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2019.03.006.

41. Guo, T., J. Morgenroth, and T.M. Conway. 2018. Redeveloping the urban forest: the effect of redevelopment and property-scale variables on tree removal and retention. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 35: 192-201. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.08.012.

40. *Lam, S.T. and T.M. Conway. 2018. Ecosystem services in urban land use planning policies: A case study of Ontario municipalities. Land Use Policy 77: 641-651. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.06.020.

39. *Kowalski, J.M. and T.M. Conway. In press. Branching out: The inclusion of urban food trees in Canadian urban forest management plans. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.05.012.

38.  Conway, T.M. and *A. Lue. 2018. Protecting urban trees: knowledge and attitudes towards private tree protection by-laws.  Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 44(4): 185-200.

37.  Roman, L.A., H. Pearsall, T.S. Eisenman, T.M.  Conway, R.T. Fahey, S. Landry, J. Vogt, N.S. van Doorn, J.M. Grove, D.H. Locke, A.C. Bardekjian, J.J. Battles, M.L. Cadenasso, C.C.K. van den Bosch, M. Avolio, A. Berland, G.D. Jenerette, S.K. Mincey, D.E. Pataki, C. Staudhammer. 2018. Human and biophysical legacies shape contemporary urban forests: A literature synthesis. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 31: 157-168.

36.  *A. Almas and T.M. Conway. 2018. Resident attitudes and actions towards native tree species: a case study of residents in four southern Ontario municipalities. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry special issue in “Civic Science and Urban Forestry”. 44(2): 101-115.

35.  Conway, T.M. and *M.A. Jalali. 2017. Representation of local urban forestry issues in Canadian newspapers: impacts of a major ice storm. The Canadian Geographer 61(2): 253-265. doi:10.1111/cag.12355.

34. Conway, T.M. In press. Conceptual pathways and institutional barriers for urban physical geography: a response to Ashmore and Dodson (2016). The Canadian Geographer.  (invited).

33. *Almas, A.D. and T.M. Conway. 2016.  Residential knowledge of native tree species: a case study of residents in four southern Ontario municipalities. Environmental Management, 1-13. DOI 10.1007/s00267-016-0772-5.

32. Conway, T.M. and *V. Yip. 2016. Assessing residents’ reactions to urban forest disservices: a case study of a major storm event. Landscape and Urban Planning 153: 1–10. DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.04.016 DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2016.03.008

31. Conway, T.M. 2016. Home-based edible gardening: urban residents’ motivations and barriers. CATE: Cities and the Environment in press.

30. Conway, T.M. 2016. Tending their urban forest: residents’ motivations for tree planting and removal. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 17(1): 23-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2016.03.008

29. *Almas, A.D. and T.M. Conway. 2016. The role of native species in municipal urban forest planning and practice: a case study of Carolinian Canada. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 17: 54–62. DOI:10.1016/j.ufug.2016.01.015

28. Conway, T.M. and *J. Vander Vecht. 2015. Growing a diverse urban forest: species selection decisions by practitioners planting and supplying trees. Landscape and Urban Planning 138: 1–10. DOI 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.01.007

27. *Vander Vecht, J. and T.M. Conway. 2015. Comparing species composition and planting trends: exploring pest vulnerability in Toronto’s urban forest. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry  41(1): 24–37

26. Conway, T.M. and *K. Brannen. 2014. Who is tending their garden? edible gardens as a residential landscaping choice. CATE: Cities and the Environment 7(2): art. 10

25. Conway, T.M. and *E. Bang. 2014. Willing partners? residential support for municipal urban forestry policies Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 13: 234–243. DOI 10.1016/j.ufug.2014.02.003

24. *Bourne, K.S. and T.M. Conway. 2014. The influence of land use type and municipal context on urban tree species diversity. Urban Ecosystems 17:329–348. DOI 10.1007%2Fs11252-013-0317-0

23. *Shakeel, T. and T.M. Conway. 2014. Individual households and their trees: fine-scale characteristics shaping urban forests. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 13: 136–144. DOI 10.1016/j.ufug.2013.11.004

22. *Shrestha, N. and T.M. Conway. 2013. Mapping exurban development: can road and census data act as surrogates? Cartographica 48(3): 237–249. DOI 10.3138/carto.48.3.1355

21. Conway, T.M. and *K. Bourne. 2013. A comparison of neighborhood characteristics related to canopy cover, stem density and species richness in an urban forest. Landscape and Urban Planning 113(1): 10-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.01.005.

20. *Weaver, J.E., T.M. Conway, M.J. Fortin. 2012. How landscape factors’ correlation with an invasive bird’s distribution change with spatial scales. Landscape Ecology 27 (9): 1351-1362. DOI 10.1007/s10980-012-9786-4

19. Conway, T.M. and *C. Wellen. 2011. Not developed yet? addressing no change locations in land use models. International Journal of Geographic Information Systems 25(10): 1613-1631. DOI 10.1080/13658816.2010.534738

18. Conway, T.M., *T. Shakeel, and *J. Attallha. 2011. Community groups and urban forestry activity: drivers of uneven canopy cover? Landscape and Urban Planning 101 (4): 321-329. DOI 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.02.037

17. *Shrestha, N. and T.M. Conway. 2011. Mapping exurban development across large spatial extents. Applied Geography 30: 171-180. DOI 10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.04.001

16. Conway, T.M. 2009. Local environmental impact of alternative forms of residential development. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 36: 927-943. DOI 10.1068/b34054

15. Conway, T.M. 2009. The impact of class resolution in land-use change models. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33(4): 269-277. DOI 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2009.02.001

14. *Lackner, M. and T.M. Conway. 2008. Determining land-use information from land cover through an object-oriented classification of IKONOS imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 34(2): 77-92.

13. Conway, T.M., *C. Dalton, *J. Loo, and *L. Benakoun. 2008. Developing ecological footprint scenarios on university campuses: a case study of the University of Toronto at Mississauga. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 9(1): 4-20. DOI 10.1108/14676370810842157

12. Conway, T.M. 2007. Impervious surface as an indicator of pH and specific conductance in the urbanizing coastal zone of New Jersey, USA. Journal of Environmental Management 85(2): 308-316. DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.09.023

11. Conway, T.M. and *L. Urbani. 2007. Variations in municipal urban forestry policies: a case study of Toronto, Canada. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 6(3): 181-192. DOI 10.1016/j.ufug.2007.07.003

10. *Fung, F. and T.M. Conway. 2007. Greenbelts as an environmental planning tool: a case study of southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 9(2): 101-117. DOI 10.1080/15239080701381355

9.   Conway, T.M. and J. Hackworth. 2007. Urban pattern and land cover variation in the greater Toronto area. The Canadian Geographer 51(1): 43-57.

8.   Conway, T.M. 2006. Can broad land use policies maintain connections between protected green spaces in an urbanizing landscape? Landscape Journal 25(2): 218-227.

7.   Conway, T.M. 2005. Current and future patterns of land-use change in the coastal zone of New Jersey. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 32(6): 877-893. DOI 10.1068/b31170

6.   Conway, T.M. and R.G. Lathrop. 2005. Modeling the ecological consequences of land use policies in an urbanizing region. Environmental Management 35(3): 278-291. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-004-4067-x

5.   Conway, T.M. and R.G. Lathrop. 2005. Alternative land use regulations and environmental impacts: assessing future land use in an urbanizing watershed. Landscape and Urban Planning 70(1): 1-15.  DOI 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2003.08.005

4.   Conway, T.M. and K.F. Nordstrom. 2003. Characteristics of topography and vegetation at boundaries between the beach and dune on residential shorefront lots in two municipalities in New Jersey, USA. Ocean and Coastal Management 46(6-7): 635-648. DOI 10.1016/S0964-5691(03)00039-5

3.   Conway, T.M. 2002. Getting watershed management to work: a framework for understanding interorganizational relationships. Middle States Geographer 35: 1-12.

2.   Simmons, N.B. and T.M. Conway. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships of mormoopid bats (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) based on morphological data. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 285: 1-97.

1.   Lunde, D.P., T.M. Conway, and P. Beresford. 2001. Notes on a collection of bats (Chiroptera) from Dzanga-Sangha, Central African Republic. Mammalia 65(4): 535-540.



Book Chapters

Conway, T.M. 2011. Boundaries and connectivity: The Lower Don River and Ashbridge’s Bay. In Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront, (Ed. G. Desfor and J. Laidley). University of Toronto Press, Toronto.

Simmons, N.B. and T.M. Conway. 2003. Evolution of ecological diversity in bats. In Bat Ecology (T. Kunz and M.B. Fenton, eds.) University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp. 493-535.