What's it like to work at UTM?

Well, its less crowded and far better for cycling, but otherwise pretty much the same as any other lab at UofT. We are connected via a shuttle bus (free for UTM students only) which departs every thirty minutes to St. George and I often take the express train (17 minutes to downtown). There are also three bio-NMR labs at UTM and a strong medicinal chemistry presence here and we run a variety of additional professional courses that doctoral students can access which provide training in management and business for those wishing to work for industry. Chemistry and Physics are part of the same department (CPS) and we have a lot of cross-talk between disciplines here.

UTM also has its own graduate student association as well as a separate departmental Chemical/Physical Sciences (CPS) grad student association. Both hold social events throughout the year and there is plenty of opportunity to take advantage of the various perks/benefits that either brings.

As a UTM grad, you are also bound to catch a glimpse of the native wildlife migrating to campus from Erindale park. The park is immediately adjacent to the campus and we have trails that run around the southern border of UTM. 


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