We are currently focusing on two other novel calmodulin binding proteins: cmbB (CaMBP45) and CaMBP64. Having verified they are CaMBPs, we are making GFP-constructs to study their subcellular localization. In addition, peptides for specific domains and mouse antibodies against them have been made in anticipation of completing the work this summer.
Last update: June, 2005. Unless otherwise stated, the information and graphics that are presented are the sole property of Danton H. O'Day, copyright 1998(c), 1999(c), 2000(c), 2001(c), 2002(c), 2003(c), 2004(c), 2005(c). If you would like permission to use any of the information contained in this website please contact Professor O'Day (doday@utm.utoronto.ca).
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