Pay Dispersion Study
Leading Researcher: Sunny (Xue) Xiang, Tianheng Zhang, Soo Min Toh
Assisting RAs:
1) Coding Team: Duncan, Li, Danni
2) Diversity Statement Collection Using WayBack Machine: Rohan, Dawn, Lucy
Research Question:
1) How are higher education institutions crafting narratives around the anti-DEI ban? In particular, how do they strategically reconstruct the institutional history to manage stakeholder relationships?
2) Additionally, what are the antecedents of these narratives?
Study Design:
- Critical discourse analysis
- Qualitative thematic analysis
- Quantitative correlation analysisc and cluster analy
Current Progress:
- Applied to AoM 2025 and IAMCR 2025
- Re-analysis of collected data and designing new method
Next Steps: Manuscript preparation and submission