JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021
June 2021
Congratulations to our Ph.D. Candidate Leah Marajh (Supervisors: Amrita Daniere and Yuhong He) who won the 1st place Student Presentation Award in the Geographies of Asia panels at the 2021 CAG conference. Leah presented part of her PhD research project with the title: Examining local temperature through people and sensors in the Greater Angkor Region of Cambodia.
June 2021
Congratulations to Phuong Dao who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled Investigating Drought Impacts on Plant Functional Traits Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. Thanks to the external examiner Professor Scott Mitchell, the internal examiner Professor Laura Brown, Phuong's Ph.D. committee Professor Ingo Ensminger, Professor Jing Chen, and Professor Peter Kotanen.
May 2021
Welcome new undergraduate students - Edward Ang (ROP and Work-Study RA) and Carolyne Qiang (ROP and NSERC USRA) - who join our lab this summer studying the impact of COVID on urban physical environments.
December 2020
The recent Remote Sensing paper led by our Ph.D. Mitchell Bonney about Australian bushfires (https://mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/23/3942…) has gotten some media attention: https://pressreader.com/australia/the-advertiser/20210119/282866553464024…
September 2020
Congratulations to the Ph.D. candidate Phuong Dao who has been selected to receive the Oscar J. Marshall Graduate Fellowship from our Graduate Department of Geography & Planning, University of Toronto.
September 2020
Congratulations to all graduate students in Professor Yuhong He's lab and they are all awarded Mitacs Research Training Awards. The awards provide opportunities for them to “undertake a paid training internship” and “enhance their skills through hands-on research and training experience”. Thanks to Mitacs!
September 2020
Congratulations to the Ph.D. candidate Leah Marajh who has been selected to receive the John D. Barnes Geodetic Sciences Fellowship and the COVID-19 Program Completion Award from our Graduate Department of Geography & Planning, University of Toronto.